Starting to build a (new) .net Core PageFactory
- Launching Selenium WebDriver in .NET Core the easy way
- Starting to build a (new) .net Core PageFactory
- Launching WebDrivers in .net Core
- Creating an internal WebDriverFactory
- Testability, interfaces and unit tests for Dummies (and junior SDETs)
- Preparing to inject test configuration – Refactoring to use a configuration object.
- Test Configuration with .NET Core and NUnit 3
- Applying a .runsettings file from the command line in .NET Core
- Dependency Injection the .NET Core way
I am ridiculously excited to finally be getting back to writing code for this project. In fact I have spent far too long coding, and have left the blogging for a while so I have plenty to catch up on.
Episode IV – A new beginning
If you followed through my previous posts around building a Selenium WebDriver test framework in Java, you may remember that the last thing that I completed was to get it running cross platform. Anyone working in .net professionally now probably realises that the Windows only .net framework is somewhat the forgotten project at Microsoft, with seemingly most of the development effort going into the cross platform .net Core platform. For me this is a perfect opportunity to follow up on my most successful post ever. So if I am going to start a new project, lets start out with the goals:
- Class libraries in .net Standard.
- Test projects in .net Core.
- Tested from the beginning to work in Linux as well as Windows. (I would like to get it running on MacOs too, but as my old Mac died in the summer I have no way to test it at present.)
- As lightweight as possible.
- Dependency injection when I get there.
- Anything that I think might be useful to others to be published to nuget.org
- .net Core version 2.1 / .net Standard version 2.0 (no framework in sight)
- nuget for package management
- .net Core’s own dependency injection when I get to it.
- Selenium Webdriver version 3.xx (3.14 at the moment)
- nUnit test framework version 3xx
- Fluent Assertions version 5.4.2
Progress made:
- A basic goal and design philosophy for my new project.
- Initial technology decisions made.
Lessons learnt:
- After such a long break its good to get back to coding for myself, especially my first exploration of .net Core
- Cross platform .net should be a challenge.
- I should check my website email more often as I actually had a question about my Java work a couple of weeks ago.
If you want to ask me a question, Twitter is undoubtedly the fastest place to get a response. I have changed my Username to @AlexanderOnTest to make myself easier to find. My DMs are always open for questions, and I publicise my new blog posts there too.
Hopefully the next installment will be soon as I have completed plenty to write about.
[Edit 26/6/19 Moved into the new series: Launching WebDrivers in .NET Core the easy way]