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Tag: Automated Testing

CheckStyle – Enforcing a coding style: part 3

CheckStyle – Enforcing a coding style: part 3

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Implementing a Java code style with CheckStyle

The sensible way to make your own ruleset. As I mentioned in CheckStyle – Enforcing a coding style: part 2, there is a far simpler way to choose your own rules than by manually editing an xml file. I use the Community edition of Intellij IDEA. Going back a few years however I learnt my first Java code at ITU using Eclipse. To be fair I did try it out when I started programming professionally, but I never really was happy…

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A week of frustration

A week of frustration

DI frameworks are painful! This was a tough week and I am afraid that I don’t have any working code for you this week. I still have emotional scars from my attempts to configure dependency injection with Spring at work. After a lot of pain we eventually decided to use Google Guice and with it set up and running I don’t have too many problems adding to my framework. When I do mess it up however I find it very…

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Parameterisation with JUnit5

Parameterisation with JUnit5

The background This was never intended to be an article in itself, but one of the problems with working on this late at night, is that sometimes I have to finish up, even though I know that there is another simple change I would like to make. In this case, my DriverFactoryTests were just screaming out for parameterisation. I know I had added some Windows 10 checks in there, but as I was of course running the tests over a…

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Driver Factory Part 3 – RemoteWebDrivers and my very own grid

Driver Factory Part 3 – RemoteWebDrivers and my very own grid

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Building a WebDriver Grid

So last week I got my code running on a home grid, but did not have time to explain what I did, so here goes… What is a grid and why would you use it? If you have pulled and run any of my tests, or tried building up something yourself, after the initial wow factor of watching a browser fire up and start doing things all by itself, you probably quite quickly got bored of having to stop pretty…

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Bye bye JUnit 4, hello WebDriver 3.6.0 and some firsts.

Bye bye JUnit 4, hello WebDriver 3.6.0 and some firsts.

A lot has happened this week! So although I have completed the code changes and committed already. I don’t think I will get it all explained in this post. Probably a multi part post for you this week. So I was wrong! JUnit 5 can be used to do everything I want as of now so it is finally time to get rid of my JUnit4 compatibility. If you recall I was hanging on to it as I could not…

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