FAQ – “New Microsoft Edge” and test automation

FAQ – “New Microsoft Edge” and test automation

If you follow browser development at all you can’t have helped but noticed Microsoft making a huge song and dance about the latest version of the Edge browser. It does potentially cause some changes for those of us who are responsible for testing cross browser support, so I thought I would try to put together a list of questions and answers.

It is brand new and I certainly don’t know everything, so if you have more questions, or want to correct / update my answers please do add comments below.


Q. So why the big fuss?

Q. When was it released?

Q. So will everyone get the new Edge installed in Windows 10 straight away?

Q. Will it replace the old Edge version?

Q. So I can ditch all my old Edge tests?

Q. Does this mean I need to add a set of ‘New Edge’ tests?

Progress made:

  • We can finally look to remove some Edge tests where they no longer bring benefit.
  • Maybe time to look at support for the new Edge?

Lessons learnt:

  • Microsoft’s new Edge is here and it is getting good reviews from many who have dared to try it.
  • Both versions will remain in use for some time. ‘Old Edge’ is not dead yet.
  • It is perfectly possible to use Selenium to test sites in ‘New Edge’ but I am not convinced on the value of testing against it in addition to Google Chrome.

A reminder:

If you want to ask me a question, Twitter is undoubtedly the fastest place to get a response: My Username is @AlexanderOnTest so I am easy to find. My DMs are always open for questions, and I publicise my new blog posts there too.

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